Articles en anglais

King Charles III

Coronation portraits of King Charles III As part of our English Lessons this year we have been learning about The Royal Family and have very much enjoyed discovering all about the late Queen Elisabeth II and now King Charles III. In Honour of his upcoming coronation we painted our own portraits of King Charles but…

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland in Maternelle Winter brings a wide array of learning opportunities to explore in the maternelle classroom and with it, lots of activities. Learning about the changes of the seasons, how arctic animals stay warm in the winter, making “snowflakes”, having snowball fights and dressing up warmly to build snowmen and go ice skating.…

Activités en anglais

A l’école primaire d’Amsterdam la mise en place d’activités en anglais permet d’appréhender l’apprentissage de manière ludique. En voici quelques exemples en version originale …  Christmas baking Cycle 1 and cycle2 had lots of fun baking traditional English Christmas treats. The PS made cream cheese cookies, the CP and CE1 made gingerbread and the CE2 made…