Section internationale américaine - Baccalauréat français international
Scolarisation et admission
➔ Start of the year findings
➔ Assessment of pupils
➔ Themes, projects, and partnerships
➔ School trips
The American International Section literature curriculum aims to develop and refine the linguistic skills of academically ambitious English-speaking students, both native and non-native.
The SI College program (grades 6eme to 3eme) uses literature from a diverse range of authors and genres as a springboard for building critical thinking and communication skills. Students participate in various short-term and year-long projects to help nurture the development of their advanced English skills.
Highlights and projects:
- Year-long independent novel study of a contemporary text.
- Author visits.
- Pen pal project with students located in Kentucky, U.S.A.
The OIB program is a rigorous option.
The OIB program is aligned with the Advanced Placement program in the United States with the aim of furthering the international dimensions of education by exposing students to bilingual and bicultural viewpoints and contexts.
The International Section Program courses in History Geography have been designed in such a way as to provide students with the tools required to think critically, use the analytic skills, and factual knowledge. These skills have become necessary to comprehend and address the issues and challenges of development, patterns and processes that have shaped human use and alteration of Earth’s surface, politics, power, and the changing face of human relations in a time of rapid globalization.
This class prepares students for intermediate and advanced university courses by making demands upon them that will enhance and strengthen their existing skills and develop their abilities to pursue rigorous academic work in the future. Students will be asked to complete projects, research, and presentations as well as participate in discussions and debates to learn to assess historical and geographical materials – their relevance to a given interpretive problem, reliability, and importance – and to weigh the evidence and interpretations in both a historical and geographical context.
The course is based on student-led research and personal academic development goals. The role of the instructor is that of a guide, mentor, and coach, not a traditional lecturer or the sole source of information. The onus of the work and research is placed on the student to allow them to develop skills and research interests within each theme of history and geography.
MUN Program
Students, from Seconde to Terminale (grade 10 to 12) have the opportunity to participate in simulations of the United Nations called Model United Nation (MUN). The aims of these simulations are to educate high school students about current events, topics in international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations agenda.
Students take on roles as diplomats, representing a nation or an international organization in a simulated session of a committee of the United Nation, such as the Security Council or the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Students research a country/organization, investigate international issues, debate, deliberate, consult, and then develop solutions to world problems.
During a conference, students must employ a variety of communication and critical thinking skills in order to represent the policies of their country/organization. These skills include public speaking, group commu-nication, research, policy analysis, active listening, negotiating, reaching consensus, conflict resolution, note taking, and technical writing.