Our Visit to The Embassy – An article written by the CM1 SIA
Tuesday May 21st, we were able to visit the Embassy of The United States in The Netherlands – In Wassenaar.
Together with Miss Guagliardo (our SIA teacher) and Mrs. Exbrayat, we got on a bus that would take us there. On the bus, we met Mr. Martin and Mrs. Heethuis, two parents who work at the embassy. Each one of us received a sticker with the name of a State – some of them were entirely new to us.
When we got there, we went through security checks, because the security of the embassy is very important, so we could not bring anything with us. We went inside a room, and we had some time to explore the map of the U.S. There we found out where all the States are.
We could not meet the Ambassador, but we met Mr. Marcus Micheli, the Chargé d’Affaires. We also learnt that at the Embassy they use a lot of French words! Mr. Micheli explained how the embassy works and what it is used for. Then, he gave us a very important task: we had to find a hidden letter. We found it under a chair.
The letter gave us the mission to be diplomats and solve a very important problem: Antarctica has too much trash, and we need to find a solution. We even met the Prime Minister of Antarctica – well, not the real one! We started working on our ideas and, together with other people like the DART and the chief of secret missions, who offered their help.
When we had a plan, we wrote everything on a board, and we signed it. The Prime Minister was very happy with it, and she accepted our “International Agreement”. As a reward, we received stickers and pins.
We really enjoyed thinking about solutions and learning about the work of the Embassy and the work of the Diplomats. Of course, we also enjoyed the snacks that we found in the room!
We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Heethuis, Mr. Micheli, and all the staff of the Embassy in Wassenaar for welcoming us and giving this opportunity.
We would also like to thank Mrs. Exbrayat and our teacher Miss Guagliardo for organizing the visit and for being with us during this day we will never forget!
The students: Kenzy, Amelia, Tiago, Ahmed, Amber, Lola, Margaux, Keely, Clémentine, Dania, Aleksandra, Niccolo, Louis, Ella, Guillem, Axel, Lucas, Karim, Satine, Isla.